WordPress SEO by Yoast is a great plug-in that contains a great way to check that your content is properly optimized for your keyword phrases. This tool can help any beginner effectively write blog posts. Below are instructions for using the WordPress SEO by Yoast plug-in to optimize blog posts.

WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin Features

This plug-in displays a section on the blog post writing page (as shown below). You should finish writing your blog post before reviewing the SEO settings.

WordPress SEO by Yoast Fields

  • Snippet Preview shows how your blog post will appear on search engine websites. The title is in blue underlined text and the meta description in black text below it.
  • SEO Title allows you to enter custom text to overwrite the default title in the snippet preview.
  • Meta description allows you to enter custom text to overwrite the default description (normally the first few sentences of your post) in the snippet preview.
  • Meta Keywords is seen by search engines and should include your primary and secondary keywords.

Keyword Checker

Type in one keyword phrase into the Focus Keyword field, then click the Find Keywords button. The plug-in will verify that the keyword appears in all the critical locations. If you see a red “no” listed next to an item, you should go to that section and make changes to incorporate your focus keyword. This is important to perform on the primary keyword phrase that you are targeting. You can test other keyword phrases if desired.

Page Analysis Tool

For advanced users, click the Page Analysis tab/link near the top of the SEO section. This provides additional SEO tips. You should consider editing your post to correct anything not marked as OK or with a green check mark.

Why This Tool Is Effective

Using the WordPress SEO by Yoast Plug-in to optimize blog posts is a great way to check and fully optimize your blog content. Whether an experienced or new blogger, we all need reminders and ways to double check our work, and this tool does exactly that.